Reporting texts must be prepared for DOC and PDF printing without paging. No further editing is foreseen. Maximum volume: 8 A5 pages.
1. The fields on each page must be: left - 20 mm, right - 15 mm, upper - 15 mm, lower - 15 mm.
2. Make the text as follows: TITLE - Font: Times New Roman; Size: 12; Font style: Bold; Effects: All Caps; Paragraph Alignment: Centered. THE AUTHORS 'NAMES are printed in one empty line under the title in the unfolded form - full name, initials of the father's and full surnames; Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12, Font style: Bold, Paragraph Alignment: Centered.
ADDRESSES FOR CORRESPONDENCE are written in another empty row (without abbreviations), Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12; Font style: Italic, Effects: All Caps, Paragraph Alignment: Centered. Military and scientific degrees and ranks are not mentioned.
THE TITLE AND NAME OF THE ENGLISH ENGLISH AUTHORS are located as follows: a title in 2 blank lines under the correspondence addresses; the names in one empty row below it - their styling corresponds to their Bulgarian equivalents.
ANNOTATION AND KEY WORDS IN ENGLISH: Annotation (ABSTRACT) up to 5 lines in 1 blank line - Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12, Font Alignment: Justified; in one empty line follow the keywords (KEY WORDS) - Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12, Font style: Italic; Paragraph Alignment: Justified, both of which have an aperture of 0.5 cm to the left of the frame limiting the base text.
BASIC TEXT - Starts in 1 empty line. Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12; Paragraph First line: 0.5 cm, Line spacing: Single, Alignment: Justified.
3. Drawings must be precisely crafted and evenly placed on the pages. The font in them should be 12 pt.
Formulas to be legible, their numbers to the left of them in small brackets ().
4. The literature listed at the end of the report is written according to the bibliographic description standard and the quoted text is denoted by a digit enclosed in square brackets [].
5. Reports shall not contain classified information within the meaning of Article 1 (3) of the Classified Information Protection Act. In the case of incorrect information, the author is responsible under Art. 31 of the CIPA.
The reports which are not prepared as required and not received by the deadline may not be submitted for review and printing!
Below, you can download a sample file with the reporting requirements you want to use as a template.